결속 나팔꽃 커다란 담장을 따라 피어있는 나팔꽃을 보신적 있나요?떨어지지 않게 서로를 단단하게 넝쿨로 붙잡아주는 나팔꽃의 꽃말은 ‘결속’입니다.다른 인종 다른 가치관을 가지고 살지만, 친구가 된 소중한 사람에게 고마움을 담아 메시지를 전해보세요. ㄴ (The 2nd letter of Korean alphabet) SOLIDARITY Have you ever seen a morning glory bloomed along its huge vine?‘SOLIDARITY’ is the floral meaning of MORNING GLORY that holds its parts firmly and inseparably together with a vine. Though we live with people of different race and bearing different values,deliver a message of gratitude to precious folks you befriended.